Garryana (pronounced Gary-Anna) is a native species of oak tree here in the beautiful Pacific Northwest. There's a long straight line of them at a nearby park where we walk our pup, Wyatt. If you visit this site now and again, or our Instagram account (@garryanaquiltco), Wyatt will be a frequent visitor. As will the trees. We found both the summer of 2021.
You remember that summer. A small part of me hoped life would stay a little slower and quieter, but I also needed... something.
My hubby, Jason, and I met a wee pup and took him home. Love, love, love! But also, howling, accidents, and chasing the cat. What?! Slowly, we found our groove and found our neighborhood too as we showed him around.
That September, two things happened:
(1) Jason and my mom surprised me with a new sewing machine! Amazing! Like going from a rotary phone to an iPhone! (Yes, Wyatt howled for weeks every time I stepped on the pedal.)
(2) The trees dropped a Costco load of acorns. Wyatt found them fascinating, and so did I. We brought home a baggie full and took over our patio space with pots.
This year, I have 27 baby oak trees. All Garryana Oaks. I love them. They are food and rest and shade. The perfect spot to spread a quilt and chat with a friend. And give your puppy treats. Welcoming comfort and home. It had to be Garryana.
Hi Wyatt! I’m glad to finally meet you. You look like a total sweetheart, and so happy among your oak trees💕 Say hi to mom and dad for me.